Brera Design District

The courage to change. Design and circular economy

The BRA-VERY BAR enhances and regenerates the place that hosts it, deepening the theme of the circular economy through: the design and production, by the students of the 14 schools of AD Education, of transversal design projects (from mobility to inclusion, innovation) designed ad-hoc for the "BRA-VERY BAR"; an intense program of workshops on the theme of "regeneration" with professionals from the world of design, fashion and innovation; the display of products and prototypes relating to the world of the circular economy and alternative mobility; a calendar of appointments and meetings with prominent personalities on the theme of "courage" and workshops developed in collaboration with important companies including Repower, Electrolux, Fashion Revolution, Fedrigoni, Krill Design.

Activities schedule

June 7
09:30 — 18:00 Workshop - Workshop in partnership with Repower
June 8
09:30 — 18:00 Workshop - Workshop in partnership with Krill Design & Electrolux
June 9
09:30 — 18:00 Workshop - Workshop in partnership with Fashion Revolution
June 10
14:30 — 17:00 Workshop - Presentation of Engagement Design course, in collaboration with Studiolabo e Sefirot
18:00 — 22:00 Cocktail party - IAAD. Party
June 11
09:30 — 18:00 Workshop - Workshop in partnership with Fedrigoni

Attention, please! The access to the places indicated in the map is managed and regulated by each individual brand by the existing rules.
Brera Design District and Studiolabo are thus not responsible for the management of people flow and access to any of those places.

& companies

IAAD Istituto d'Arte Applicata e Design


Locanda alla Mano

Piazza del Cannone - Milano

Access rules

- Workshops reserved for students of the AD Education group
- Conferences and Speeches with free access subject to availability

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